Social Distancing

                This is the first blog I have written in two months or so. I have distanced myself from writing simply because there was no need for me to write blogs, but now that we are back together at church I must write again.

                Speaking of distance, one of the most common used phrases in this Coronavirus era is “Social Distancing.” All the world governments have implemented quarantines, lock downs, mask wearing and a strict social distancing protocol wherever you go.

                Now we must stand at least six feet apart from each other in markets, stores and any other place that might still be open. Most businesses have even erected (plastic) walls to keep the customers at bay (what would Trump say about that?) and even placed all sorts of markings on the floor to let us know where it is safe to stand.

                I would say that here in America we have been practicing “social distancing” for quite a while. The advent of the Internet, social media and smart devices have made it possible for the people to stay “connected” without even having to speak to each other face to face. It is not surprising anymore to see entire families spend hours “together” while every member of the family is either watching TV, playing video games, texting or checking their social media.

                Even many churches practice this social distancing approach in their services, so I guess that these new government guidelines won’t affect them that much. Fellowship is a thing of the past. Now you can go to church, watch the cool band and the cooler preacher on a big screen and go home without having to talk or connect with anyone. If you happen to bring your kids, you just sign them up on the computer screen and get your number to collect them later.

                I know who needs to practice social distance: The government. Separation of church and state simply means that our government cannot dictate our faith. The Constitution of the United States grants every citizen (including Christians) many rights, including the 1 Amendment which says:

                Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the                    free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the                              people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

                Our government has always been very tolerant of Christianity and we have enjoyed many freedoms and benefits in this great (and free) country of ours. Lately, however, the government has not kept its distance from us and has forbidden the peaceful assembling of Christians to worship our Lord in many of our church buildings.

                I have obeyed the Social Distancing rules so far, but it is now time for our government to practice those rules as well and not interfere with our worship services under the pretense of “keeping us safe” from a virus. We will worship our God and HE will keep us safe. We will keep praying like Daniel and preaching the Gospel like Peter and getting closer to our God and our brothers and sisters!

                A. G.

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