“Pest Control”

                The summertime is here and with it will come an invasion of all sort of insects or “pests” as we commonly call them. I believe that all the pest control companies will receive an increase in clients and pesticide sales will go through the roof.

                There is another pest, or pestilence terrorizing our country and the world now. This pestilence is called the Covid19 or Coronavirus. This virus is truly a pest and it is expanding and killing thousands every day around the world.

                What can we do to stop this pestilence or plague?

                I am sure that it will stop one day, but I also believe that only God is able to stop it. As I referred in a previous blog and video, there are blessings from God even amid this pandemic. Fear can be overcome by Faith; the prospect of Death can lead us to Dedicate ourselves to God and even Anxiety can be defeated as we Arrange our priorities according to God’s Word.

                I call this blog or video “Pest Control” because I believe that even though we cannot end this virus or even control it on our own, God has given us precious promises in the Bible and today we turn to 2 Corinthians 7:13-14.

                13 When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, 

                 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

              The first thing we notice is that bad things will happen. God says: “when” famine, droughts and pestilence (viruses) happen to us we need to do four things for Him to do some “pest control”

Humility—We must humble ourselves and recognize that we are incapable to control most things. Let us be humble and not imitate the proud people on TV.

Prayer—We need to pray for our families, brothers and sisters, coworkers and for every person affected by this pandemic.

Seeking God—This is more than prayer. This is worship and total submission to our God

Repentance—This is what “turn from…wicked ways” mean. Turn from sin/turn to God

            The promise is clear and sure. He will hear; He will forgive and He will heal our land. God will do Pest Control as we humbly pray and seek Him while we forsake sin and pride. Heal our nation and the world today, Lord.

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