Light Ends the Storm

                  Yesterday we experienced a terrifying storm in our region and all across the southeastern United States. There was rain; there were high winds; there was lightning and thunder and there was deep, intense darkness.

                The storms of our lives are similar and yet more horrible. It is an awful experience as we go through these periods of trials and tribulations; when darkness surrounds us and we feel downcast, depressed and defeated.

                I have noticed that in both cases light puts an end to the storm. I have witnessed many times the appearance of a rainbow as the dark clouds dissipate. It is indeed glorious to see the sun shining again after a dark and dangerous storm.

                This is what has happened and what happens to the children of God. It happened on the day of our conversion when the light of the Son invaded and destroyed the darkness in our hearts. The light of the Gospel brought repentance and forgiveness; peace and joy and the love of God filled our life.

                This also happens frequently (it should be daily) as the Light of the world brings peace to our daily storms. Only a Christian, indwelt by the Holy Spirit can experience the renewing and restoring power of God’s Word. The Word of God is the light that dispels all darkness; it is the power that destroys all strongholds and it is hope that dwells forever in our hearts.

                The promise of the rainbow was given to Noah as a covenant, signifying no more worldwide destruction by flood. The promise of the new covenant is eternal salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus is the Light of the World. He came to save us from our sins.

               “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it… the Light, that all through him might believe… That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.” (John 1:4-9)

                Jesus came to this world and became a man and died on a cross. He was surrounded by total darkness at Calvary. There was darkness inside and outside as sin was poured over his sinless being and it was dark for three hours (Mark 15:33). And yet, He defeated the darkness on that cross and again three days later as He arose from the death.

                He has left us a sure promise:

               “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

                Are you following Jesus and walking in his light?

                A. G.

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