Blood Check


                There are more than 415 million diabetics in the world, including more than 100 million in the United States. Among them is my father, who suffers from a host of ailments aside from Diabetes. This sickness is a serious problem in our country because it is a gateway to many other illnesses such as stroke, blindness, heart problems, high blood pressure, nerve damage and loss of consciousness.

                Diabetics must follow a strict diet and exercise and they must perform a daily glucose test. My father checks his blood sugar level every morning. He pricks one of his fingertips and presses on it until blood comes out. Next, he “deposits” some of his blood (usually a drop) into a plastic strip inserted into the reader (a small device) which instantly beeps giving him his actual blood sugar level.

                Sugar is like sin in many respects. Both are tasty and sweet for a few seconds, but their adverse effects are long lasting. A person that consumes too much sugar will become obese and obesity puts millions at risk of diabetes. A sinner is someone that lives in sin and is destined for an eternity in hell.

                Diabetics can check their blood sugar level, exercise, eat healthy and use the best medications available. By doing this, many diabetics can have a normal life. I have witnessed this in my father’s life. When he takes care of himself he does well, but when he deviates from the program, not so good.

                There are no electronic devices available to check the “blood sin” level in a person’s heart. There is no program for sinners to reduce their sinfulness and there is nothing that can be done to eliminate the presence and power of sin by the sinners themselves.

                There is, however, a sin-checking heavenly device. The Word of God reveals our sinful condition (Romans 3:23; 6:23). The Bible also lets us know that there is nothing we can do to get rid of sin and be saved (Ephesians 2:8-9).

                There is only one Way to be saved from sin (John 14:6). Our blood is tainted and corrupted with sin as we were all born in sin (Psalm 51:5), but the Blood of Jesus shed for his people on the cross has forgiven all our iniquities (1 Peter 1:19).

                There is no cure for diabetes (high blood sugar level), but there is a cure for sin:

                The Blood of Jesus.

                Have you received the life-giving transfusion of the Blood of Jesus yet?

                A. G.

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