“Organized Mess”

                Are you a messy person?

                If I would visit your house today, would I find every room clean and organized, or would I have to walk over a “mine field” of toys, food and other items? I have had the distinct “pleasure” of visiting messy and smelly homes and I can tell you that it was not a good experience at all.

                Speaking of messes, my house has been invaded by a troop of messy kids (and some adults) and it is a complete mess at this moment. There are toys all over the house; there is food on the floor and clean and unclean laundry everywhere, except for the drawers and closets.

                In addition to the “normal” clutter referenced above, my house is experiencing a sort of revival, better known as renovation. Every room in our home is getting a “facelift” and that means that our whole property is littered with all sorts of construction materials and with the junk that is being replaced or renovated.

                The key to preserving our sanity in this situation is to recognize that mess is a part of every renovation or construction project. Another helpful tip is to keep our mess as organized as possible. To achieve this goal we must put all the tools together and keep all the materials in one place. Finally, we must realize that mess is temporary and that one day the project will be complete and all the disorder, clutter and chaos will be gone.

                Our lives are just like that. All of us are a mess in one way or another. Nobody has got it all together in this side of heaven. We are indeed God’s project and He is still working in us. Every project is messy, and our lives are no exception to this rule. We must realize that change and growth is painful and messy, as God continues to prune and refine us (John 15:2).

                Our lives were a total mess; a chaos before Christ saved our souls. We are brand new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) but we are not perfect yet (Philippians 3:12). We must submit ourselves to God’s control and learn how to be less messy (sinful) every day. This process is known in the Bible as our sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

                We are looking forward to the day that the project is complete and we enter into our glorious and eternal home. On that day, Christ will, present… to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:27) 

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