New Version

                My wife “accidently” broke her smart phone the other day. Now we need to buy a new phone, but we don’t know which one. There are so many brands and each company comes up with a new version every year.

                The phones that we buy today may be obsolete by next month. Every new phone version or generation is better than the previous one.

                When God created mankind there was only one version, which was divided into male and female. This original version of humanity was not perfect, but it was innocent and good.

                This innocence and goodness was soon evaporated, as Adam and Eve fell into sin. The original version that God created after his image was lost. Now mankind was only a perversion of the first version of creation.     

                 This is what sin always does. God made the version, but Satan—using temptation and sin—turns it into a perversion. In other words, sin destroys our spiritual life and fellowship with God.

                 God created the version, which soon became a perversion through man’s rebellion. God could have dealt with this problem in two different ways: He could either destroy the earth (almost did it in Noah’s time) and create a new original version; or He could eliminate the perversion of sin by conversion to Christ.

                 And this is what He did. He sent us the last Adam (Jesus Christ) to be the propitiation for our sin and the only way of salvation. He was a new and improved Version of Adam and He did not fail. His death on the cross erased our perversion at the moment of our conversion by faith.

                Our conversion has made us a brand new version in Christ. The Bible declares, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). This new version of humanity is not as good as the one of our Lord Jesus, for he is perfect, but it is infinitely better than Adam’s because he could fall and lose his standing with God, but we will never fall from God’s saving grace.

                One day, this new version of us will also come to an end. One day we will be perfect, spotless and glorious. One day, we will become a perfect and eternal version of redeemed humanity in heaven. One day, the words of the apostle Peter will be fulfilled:

                “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10)

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