Isaiah 13    (August 21)

                                      Yes, My Captain!

             “I myself have commanded my consecrated ones…”

             Napoleon, Alexander the Great and the evildoer Hitler and every other great military leader in history had something in common: An army of consecrated men who were ready to die for them.

             God is the absolute King of the entire Universe. His decrees cannot be revoked and His will cannot be stopped. He opens doors no one can close, and the ones He closes no one can open. Nevertheless, humanity has rebelled against Him, because they prefer evil.

             God has made several callings to humanity

             I. A general calling to repentance.

             II. A special (specific) call to receive eternal life in Christ.

             III. A call to serve him as a faithful Christian.

             IV. A call to the ministry.

            God only sends the brave and courageous that answers his call into the battle. God does not waste his time commanding the rebels or the apathetic ones. God does not force anyone; He calls us with love and waits patiently (not forever), for us to submit ourselves to his love and begin to serve him with devotion.

            If you do not want God to command you, it is better then, that you do not devote yourself to Him, for if you devote yourself to Jesus, you should also decide to obey him in everything He commands.

            This is what it means to receive Christ, not only as our Sweet Savior, but also as our Supreme Lord, Master and King of our lives.

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