Proverbs 1   (June 24)

                                                          Foolish Consent

            “…do not consent.”

            The church’s youth group was thoroughly prepared for the summer camp. They had raised funds by doing car washes, bake sales and “yard sales.” A month before going to the camp, they had reached their goal.

            The excitement was building up as the date of the camp was drawing near. When the day finally arrived, the excitement could be felt all over the bus that would transport them to the summer camp.

            However, there was one girl named Mary, which was crying in the corner of the parking lot. She could not go; her parents had not given their consent, for her to participate in this activity.

            The children of God need to learn to say NO. We cannot give our consent to sin, or be in agreement with it. It is very difficult to live in this tempting and pleasure-oriented world and be able to say NO. This decision implies denying ourselves and putting to death our desires and carnal passions.

            We should never give our consent to sin. Every time temptation is near, let us close the door. Nothing is achieved when we deny sin externally, and allow the seed of evil and temptation to germinate inside of us.

            When we consent to sin, we are voluntarily agreeing to pursue carnal pleasures, even if they are diametrically opposed to God’s will for our lives. When we sin, we are in accordance with our infernal enemy and we engage into idolatrous worship.

            Doesn’t this seem a bit ridiculous to you?

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