Psalms 92-94     (May 30)

                                                        Worthy to be Praised

            It is good to give thanks to the Lord…”

            Our praise to God must never be an empty rite or a lifeless ceremony. True worship and praise is a song that springs from a heart that is thankful to God. True worship and praise is not a complex ritual or a reckless and disorganized event. True worship and praise is not found in a bigger band or in technological props and gizmos. True worship and praise is done, as the Bible says, “…in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)

            Do you praise God in this way?

            In many congregations, praise through music is given primary importance. While singing is an essential part of our worship to God; studying his Word diligently is also an act of worship, as we take time to listen to what God has to say to our lives.

            Balance is sorely needed in our churches. Singing, praying, serving and studying are all part of our offering to God, and all are extremely vital. Those who sacrifice musical worship in order to dedicate more time to the Word, are eating a good meal, but without a drink to help them swallowed it. On the other hand, those who just want to sing and sing will not grow as much as they could have; if they would have studied the Bible a little bit more.

            It is good to praise and give thanks to the Lord. This is not my opinion, for the Bible clearly declares it, but we must always remember that true praise is more than thirty minutes of singing on Sunday morning. We must praise the Lord passionately and every day of our lives!

            Let us then continue to praise the Lord with our service; our proclamation of the gospel; our dedication to his Word and yes, with the melodies of a grateful heart, which sings to the Lord—this is good, very good.

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