Psalms 37     (May 5)


            “Take delight in the Lord…”

            My dear reader, what is your delight in this life? What brings the most pleasure to you? Perhaps you are savoring a scrumptious breakfast at this moment, or maybe your delight might be eating sweets (be careful with the calories!).

            In general, most women delight themselves when they go to the mall, even if it is “window shopping.” Others find delight when they cook and yet others rejoice when they watch soap operas.

            Men find delight in sports and automobiles; the youth find their delight in music, social media and friends, and children find delight in games, and also in “harassing” their parents with their mischief.   There is nothing wrong in delighting yourself with all these things (except bothering our parents), as long as it is not against the will of God.

            I repeat, there is nothing wrong in rejoicing over the things that God has given us to use and enjoy. What is wrong is to spend all our time enjoying everything, except God. We must also learn to delight ourselves in the Lord. There is no greater and more lasting joy, than the one we find in the Lord.

            If we can delight ourselves with drinking and dinning; if we can rejoice when we receive new toys or new clothes; if we have a good time when we travel during our vacations and if we enjoy when our favorite team wins the championship; we should delight ourselves a trillion times more in our Lord.

            The Christians that have learned to delight themselves in the Lord has a sure promise from God:   “…and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

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