Psalms 18     (April 25)

                                                      Not so Strong

            “…for they were too mighty for me.”

            In many of occasions I have heard my brothers and sisters in Christ say the following: “I bind you Satan!” Every time I hear something like that, I ask myself: Where did they get such power and authority?

            Satan and his demons are much more powerful than we could ever be on our own on this earth. They were created by God to be his messengers of righteousness and power, but they rebelled, becoming unclean spirits.

            These enemies of God are also our enemies, and they detest us. Their power fully exceeds the abilities and talents of human beings. However, they can harm us physically only if God allows it. They can tempt, oppress, harass, and even kill us (if God permits), but they cannot make us sin.

            It is very important to know and admit that our invisible enemies are powerful. They are more powerful than we are and we cannot “bind” them, but Christ can. Jesus already defeated the devil on the cross. Jesus can bind and reprimand the forces of evil; and the day will come when he will “drop” them into the lake of fire.

            For this reason, we should not fear the devil and his army (demonic and human). However, we should not ignore them either and think that without Christ we can defeat them. Forget it! Our adversary is powerful, but Christ has all power. He can deliver us and he will give us power over temptation and fear.

            We are not very strong or powerful by ourselves, but in Christ we are “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37). The power of Christ in us is capable of changing our lives and making us holy.

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