Lost and Found

                Two days ago, I witnessed (via TV news) one of the most horrific massacres in U.S. history. A young gunman killed seventeen people in a South Florida high school. This is a national tragedy and a painful reminder that we live in a fallen, sinful world.

                My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims. I cannot begin to imagine the anguish and pain they feel over their loss. My heart also goes to my pastor, who recently lost his sister and must preside over her funeral.

                I almost lost two of my sons. The youngest one almost choked to death with a piece of bread (I saved him by a miracle from God) and the oldest one almost died in the war. He fell from his helicopter (he hadn’t fastened his seatbelt) before it went down the mountain killing everyone in his unit.

                How do you deal with a loss? It is one thing to lose a material possession forever, or to lose a loved one in the park (only to find them later); but to lose someone dear to us forever is almost unbearable.

                My father died when I was four, and I still miss him. I have found solace and comfort in my heavenly Father, but my heart aches like an orphan for my absent dad. There is still a hole in my soul and the hope that one day I will see my father again in heaven.

                There is hope for those who follow Christ. Yes, in this world we will have trials (James 1:2-4) and tribulations (John 16:33), but there is nothing that will separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:31-39).

                Loss comes from separation; separation is the handiwork of death; and death grows in the tree of sin. If there was no sin in the world, there would be no more death, separation, loss and pain.

                As long as we remain in this world, we will experience all these things. They are ever-present and inevitable. Temptation and sin are all around us and death stares at us in the face every day. Separation and loss are an ongoing reality and pain (next to God) is our closest companion.

                One day, however, we shall exit this dying planet either through death or the Rapture. On that blessed day, we will be ushered into the kingdom of glory and light. In heaven there will be no more sin, death, pain and separation because we will be forever united to our Lord.

                Is this your hope?

                Alexander Gonzalez

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