Job 29      (April 4)

                                                                       Beautiful Light

            “…and by His light I walked through darkness”

            I am not a sailor, nor do I like the sea much. However, I can understand the great importance of a lighthouse to a vessel, mainly in the olden days when modern facilities did not exist, such as radar and radios.

            But I did work in a military airport, and was able to observe the airplanes land and take off in diurnal and nocturnal missions. The night missions were more dangerous because of darkness.

            Two parallel lines of multicolor lights illuminated the runway at night. I can only imagine the happiness the pilot felt, when he saw the lights that indicated the way for him to follow in the middle of the dark skies.

             Christ is the LIGHT of the world and his WORD is light and life. This world, in which we are travelers and pilgrims for a time, is filled with darkness and wickedness. Oh Lord, how much do we need of your LIGHT and your TRUTH!

            A shining light comes from above, from the kingdom of God, for the children of the Lord. God is called “the Father of lights” in James 1:17. We must therefore, focus our eyes, not on our dark and evil surroundings, but on Christ who shines more than the pillar of fire in the days of Exodus.

            The darkness of the night surrounds us, but the Light of Christ is sufficient to guide, and protect us in our journey. The psalmist said in Psalm 23:4,

           “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

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