Job 28      (April 3)

                                      More Valuable than Gold

            “…mortals do not know its price…”

            What is the value of wisdom?                                                                                                                 

           The majority of men do not know the value of divine wisdom. They do not know wisdom, nor do they care to learn. Many think that wisdom is the same as intelligence, but they are wrong. You can be intelligent and unwise and on the other hand, you can be wise but not very intelligent academically.

          Job compared wisdom with gold, silver, and all precious stones, and to him it was infinitely superior. Why is wisdom so superior to natural intelligence and so desirable? A wise person makes good and godly choices, and those wise decisions lead to better opportunities and to a better life overall.         

          Nevertheless, human beings do not seek wisdom. Men dig mines in the deepest part of the Earth; they extract fuel from the bottom of the ocean and explore distant planets in search of treasures that only corrupt with time.

            Only a few ever seek wisdom.

            Wisdom is eternal because it is only found in the fear of God. A wise man is the happiest and richest man in the world. God offers wisdom gratuitously. Ask Him for it today.

            One of the most precious promises in the Bible is found in James 1:5 and it reads:

            “If any of you is lacking wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.”

            We all need wisdom every day, and it is freely available to us. Ask God and he will give to you in abundance.

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