Job 23     (March 31)

                                                  He Knows Me

            “…but he knows the way that I take…”

            Cliff Richards, the British Christian singer, made popular a song entitled, “You know me better than I know myself.” The first time I heard this song, I was awestruck with the discovery of this great biblical truth.

            This statement is absolutely true. God knows things about us that we are not even aware. God knows us inside out. He knows the good things in our lives as well as the bad; our past, our present and our future.

           God knows it all!      

           He knows our ways. There is not a thought, attitude, motivation, or desire that is hidden from the eyes of the Almighty. He knows us. He knows all our pains, sorrows and worries, because he placed them over his shoulder in Calvary.

          It is a great comfort and distress to know that He knows us. He is there with us when we cry and He knows how to soothe our pain. Oh, but when we sin, we feel the pain of knowing that He knows that we have failed Him.                                               

          Christ knows us profoundly and loves us eternally. Everything that happens in the entire universe is under God’s control, and He is never wrong. It is such a great consolation to know that God knows us.                                                                                                                                   

          Let us then, find hope in this awesome truth. All of our needs and desires are not even remotely foreign to HIM who knows everything about us.   God knows what we want, even before we pray, but he will not give us all the things that we pray for, because he knows what is good for us—and that is what God will give us every time.

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