Job 1     (March 9)

                                             The Days of Job

           “While he was still speaking…”

            I do not know if the same thing that happens to me, happens to you. I think it is probable. I am talking about problems and events that scourge our lives one and all. This is nothing new, even though our problems are different in manner and intensity; there is a common denominator that unites us and that is, that in this life we all suffer.

            We all have those days that come unannounced and filled with problems and sufferings. Job had one of those days, a day in which he lost everything he had, including his children and all his wealth.

            There are “days of Job” that very often visit us. The “clouds” of hell discharge rain over us, but not necessarily of “grace”. On those days, everything awful that can happen to us…does. Tests come and it seems as though there is not end to our anguish.

            Our own Lord Jesus experienced a “day of Job.” They took him prisoner, beat him, made mockery of him, and as if that was not enough, they nailed him to a cross— all without just cause.

            Jesus went through a terrible day, the worst of all days (including Jobs’).   He is therefore capable of sympathizing with us, because he knows not only the divine but also the human point of view.

            Will we have “days of Job” in our lives? We certainly will!

            Will our problems and suffering accumulate? Of course!

            Will we enjoy those days? Probably not!

            Will we be alone in those days? NO! NEVER, NEVER!

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