Esther 1 (March 1)


            “…the king gave…a banquet…”

            In the last years of the twentieth century, and now in the new millennium; there has been an abundance of parties, concerts and banquets everywhere.  Every weekend brings a host of parties, dancing and alcohol drinking and with it, a host of disgraceful events. 

            Modern society has an insatiable appetite for entertainment.  Having a good time, in a moderate fashion with your family, is good and edifying; but the world does not consider this a good time.

            If you want to have a good carnal “entertainment,” there are many places where you can go.  Do you want to dance? There are cabarets, clubs, carnivals and concerts, where you can dance to your heart’s content. Do you want to eat?  Well, you can go to restaurants, cafeterias and you can sail on a cruise ship, where the food (and drinks) is abundant.

            Can a Christian have a good time?  Of course!  Should we have a good time like the people of the world?  Of course not!

            The definition of a good time for the people of this world is to substitute pleasure and sin for Christ, who is the only one that can fill the emptiness in their soul. Drinks, drugs and parties will never satisfy the human heart.

            There are not enough banquets or parties in this world that can take the place of the Lord.  Have a good time if you want to, but remember that for everything we do, we shall give an account to the Lord (Ecclesiastes 11:9).

            Psalm 37:4 gives us good advice on this matter:

            “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart”

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