Ezra 9 (February 14)

                                                               The Greatest Cry

            “…shall we break your commandments again?”

            Ezra cried when he heard the sin of Israel…

            Our hearts should cry, when we see the sin that is consuming this world…

            The children of God also fall into sin sometimes and the church of Jesus Christ is filled with imperfect saints or redeemed sinners. As such, we break Christ’s commands just as much as we obey them. This really makes one feel like crying!

            The argument of Ezra against sin was very simple. He said to the people that God had had mercy upon them. His protection had never failed them and besides, they had just returned from an exile of 70 years due to these same sins.

            If there is someone out there without excuse, or reason to sin, are the children of God; which have been redeemed by the glorious blood of the Lamb of God.

            Many times Christians act like children, but not necessarily with their innocence. A tattletale and misbehaved child never recognize its own faults, and he is always ready to betray any “crime” done by his brothers and sisters.

            It is very easy to criticize the sin of the world and accuse them in front of God. But, it is not easy for us as Christians, to examine ourselves and confess our sins.

            Ezra confessed sins that were unrelated to him. He identified himself with his people and fasted and lamented with tears and prayer; carrying the load of his brothers and sisters before the Lord.

            I ask you today:

            Will we go back to sin, or will we follow Jesus Christ?

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