2 Kings 16 (November 25)

                                                        Servants of Evil

            “I am your servant and your son.”

            Imagine with me the following scene:


            It is very early in the morning and Jerry, a Christian believer, wakes up and kneels next to his bed.  Every day he lifts up passionate prayers to the Lord and worships his God, but on this particular day things are very different. On this day he prays a very different kind of prayer:

            “Oh Satan, I will be your servant today!”  He begins his prayer.  “Please take my mind, eyes, hands and feet and use me with your power.  I want to be a curse unto others and enjoy sin.  Thank you.”

            I am conscious that his “prayer” is an exaggeration on my part.  No true believer would ever dare to pray in this manner.  However, we do serve the devil—perhaps unconsciously—from time to time.

            Ahaz, king of Judah, sold his soul to the Tiglath-Pilesser King of Assyria, because he needed help against his enemies.  When Christians sin, we entangle ourselves in unholy alliances, or argue amongst each other; thereby giving the honor and glory to our adversary.

            Let us keep watch over the “roaring lion” (1 Peter 5:8) and stand firm in the Lord.  Do not give an inch to the enemy of your soul, nor play with him.  The devil never “plays around” and wants to destroy the servants of the only God.  Don’t allow that to happen to you, don’t become a servant of evil!

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