2 Samuel 9 (October 3)

                                                               True Leaders

            Today’s world is seeking or searching for a leader, who would be able to solve most of the problems and conflicts of this modern society.  This leader should possess great wisdom (knowledge), authority, charisma and power.  A man like this they shall find, when the Antichrist finally  appears.

            We must admit that a Christian leader must possess the aforementioned qualities, but as followers of Christ we need much more.  Are you a leader? Do you want to become one? Let us examine king David’s life to find some characteristics or attitudes of a true leader.

Interest   “Is there still anyone left…?”A true leader cares for those under his command; be it his children, employees or brothers and sisters in the congregation.

Goodness   “…to whom I may show kindness” True leaders are not only interested in others, but show their concern, by acts of kindness and Christian compassion.

Love  “…for Jonathan’s sake?”A true shepherd loves his sheep, just as Christ loved us and gave his life for us.

ForgivenessThen King David sent and brought him…”  David forgave his enemies, including the son of Saul—his worst nightmare.  A true leader must learn to forgive.

Humility  “…shall always eat at my table.” Some leaders forget their friends as their authority “goes to their heads.”  David was humble all his life and never forgot his very humble beginnings.

            Who shall be a true leader for God?

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