1 Samuel 3 (August 27)

                                              Rare for Some, Available for All

            “The word of the Lord was rare in those days;…”      

            How sad would our existence be without the powerful influence of God’s Word in our hearts and minds! Life would have no meaning or purpose, if God would have never spoken to humanity.

            Nevertheless God has spoken many times, through different mediums and in many diverse ways.  Today God speaks to us through his Holy Word, which is applied to our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

            What a shame is to see that in so many pulpits, the blessed Word of God is not faithfully preached today. God’s people are languishing from spiritual malnutrition because of this.  In some churches, the voice of God is as rare and scarce as it was in Samuel’s day.

            This is a great calamity indeed, especially for those who want to hear from God.  Thankfully we do have the written Word of the Lord in the pages of the Bible; or in other words, the Bible is the eternal and life-changing Word of our God.

            As children of God, we have three main responsibilities in regards to the Sacred Scriptures.  First, we are responsible before the Lord to find a church where Jesus is exalted and his Word is properly taught.

            Secondly, every believer must read the Bible faithfully every day—as you have been doing so far, congratulations!  Thirdly, the end result of Bible study is to apply the Word to our lives and practice what we learned.  There is no reason for God’s Word to be rare, strange, or scarce for you— unless you want to.

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