Joshua 24 (July 30)

                                                               Personal Decision

            “…but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

            To serve the Lord is not only a great privilege, but a vital necessity for every believer.  To become a servant of Jesus all is needed is a call from the Lord, a personal decision to follow Him, and an uncompromising determination to obey the Lord in everything.

            Joshua served the Lord for most of his life.  Now, he was old and tired, but his faith and desire to serve was as strong as ever.  Joshua invited the people to serve God.  He did not compel or force anyone, but gave them the choice to serve either the true God, or the Egyptian or Canaanite idols.

            We must also choose today whom we shall serve.  God expects our worship and heartfelt service; but the devil forces his agenda on everyone.  Who will you serve, an infernal tyrant, or a loving and understanding God?

            Joshua was indeed a wise man and he loved his God.  He grew from a humble and faithful assistant of Moses; to a fearless and godly leader.  He served God until the day of his death. I pray that God will grant us abundant grace and power to obey his Word and follow Him until our last breath.

            The key to Joshua’s success was his decision to continue to serve God, even if everyone else would turn their back to the Lord.  Let us imitate Joshua and others whose lifelong quest have been to serve God.  Do not worry about those who do not serve or follow Jesus.  Don’t look back at the other believers like Peter did (John 21:20, 21).

             You follow Him!

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