Deuteronomy 3 (June 5)

                                                                       War Mondays

            “…came out against us…for battle…”

            Christians love Sundays.  On Sundays we join together to worship the Lord and to study His Word.  Do we love Mondays? Well, that’s a different story.  I would dare to predict that on Sunday nights, many of us lose our sleep or “enjoy” a full complement of nightmares.


            For the very simple reason that Monday usually means going back to work or school.  Nevertheless, I believe that the main cause of our apprehension lies in the fact that we know that our enemy is waiting anxiously to attack our faith; to rob us from all the blessings we received on Sunday.

            It is vital then, to prepare ourselves thoroughly on Sundays. Church services are not meant to be evangelistic outreaches (although there is a place for evangelism in them), but they are designed to worship our God and to help believers to be “combat ready” for Mondays.  In other words, we must have “Victory Sundays” if we want to be successful in our “War Mondays.”

            Do not pray to God to keep you from troubles, for they will come either on Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or… Problems will come and tribulations will visit us, and there is nothing we could do about it.

            The only thing that we can do is to pray for strength.  Remember that Christianity is to be lived out every day, not only on Sunday or in joyful days.  We can live for Jesus even on Mondays.

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