Genesis 22 (January 22)

                                                                        Passing Grade


The Test   “…God tested Abraham.”

            “God does not tempt anyone” (James 1:13), but he brings or allows numerous tests in our lives.  If you have been a student, you must agree that for the most part, tests are hard and very undesirable.  Nevertheless, the object of these tests is to perfect our walk with the Lord.

            How is the report card of your faith?  Do you have a passing grade in your spiritual tests?  Tests reveal not only the degree of our faith in Christ, but also our maturity, integrity and our level of responsibility.

The Tenacity Here I am.”

            One thing is to know for sure that God is present during the testing period, and that he is tenderly caring for us; and another is to remain faithful and true as we are tested.  Abraham said, “Here I am;” Job did not curse God, even in the midst of his calamity and Jesus was obedient and faithful unto death (Philippians 2:8).

            How do you react to the tests in your life?

            One option is to run, but that would make you a coward.  You can also ask why and curse, but that could bring you an ulcer.  Instead you can ask God, what lesson or purpose he has in mind, and then you can tell him,

           “Here I am.”

           Let us be reminded that behind every test, there is a blessing in disguise. Our Heavenly Father will help us to pass every test even though we don’t have the strength or wisdom of our own. The answers are at our disposal. You can find them in his Word.

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